The Forge exists to be a catalyst for the hearts of men, endeavoring to wake them up to the bigger story and encouraging them to launch into the calling & desires of their lives. We desire to inspire men to get their hearts back and be the leaders they're called to be. It's an invitation to share one’s story, be Fathered well, and move forward into deep, Godly masculinity.
Ways To Connect With The Forge
We Are About
Redemptive Communities
Redemptive Communities
Redemptive Communities are built around an intimate group of like-hearted men in Christ.
We strongly believe that life is better when we don’t walk alone (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10).
Trust and transparency transforms and grows us who are in King Jesus. It involves the willingness to embrace the messiness of our stories, which leads to a fuller life, stronger love, and increasing freedom.
Pray and/or partner with us as we “lead a life worthy of the calling we have received.” Ephesians 4:1. It requires faith and resources to maintain an environment of continuous growth. Therefore, please join us as we walk together.

9 Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. 10 If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.
Donate by Mail
TRM "The Forge"
325 Sycamore Lane
Rutherfordton, NC 28139

What joy was it to remember some of the moments we captured from past Christmas Tree Bonfires.
We are Looking forward to making more awesome memories with all our Allies tomorrow.
Men we encourage you to reach out to your friends, neighbors, coworkers & Sons(18+) and invite them to be apart of a bigger story & get to do some awesome things! (Flamethrowers, Cornhole, Christmas Tree Toss, Fire Tornadoes & much much more.)
See you tomorrow by the Green River 3pm-8pm
visit for more info & directions.

Men, Join us on January 14th, 3pm-8pm
for the biggest Christmas Tree Bonfire Yet!!! #ForgeCTB
Visit: to register & get more info!!!
"Is any pleasure on earth as great as a circle of Christian friends by a fire?” - C.S. Lewis
Since 2015 - we have been hosting Christmas Tree Bonfires at The Forge and you are invited to the circle! What man doesn’t love great food, good fellowship, amazing hospitality, and blowing stuff up?